Humidifier Installation and Repair
Many homeowners believe that controlling the temperature is the key to being comfortable inside their home. However, controlling the humidity can be just as important. To get the most efficiency out of your HVAC system, homeowners should consider installing a whole-home humidifier to make sure they have the right amount of moisture in every room. Installing a whole-home humidifier can improve the quality of life within the home, as well as save you money on heating and cooling costs. For allergy sufferers, the installation and use of a humidifier can help alleviate irritating symptoms. No matter the size of your home, EMG Mechanical has you covered! Our trusted technicians can install total home humidifiers that cover up to 4,200 sq. ft.! Call EMG Mechanical today and see what a difference a humidifier can make in your home.

Why Humidity Matters
Humidifiers control the moisture in the air of your home. Modern humidifier systems can adjust from summer to winter to provide the right amount of moisture to the air year-round. This provides multiple benefits to you and your family:
- Save money on energy bills – Having the right amount of moisture in the air can help you keep the indoor temperature of your home consistent. Because humidified air feels warmer, you’ll be able to turn your thermostat down for energy savings.
- Protect Your Possessions – Having a dry home can also be damaging to valuable things such as furniture, paintings, and woodwork. The addition of a humidifier to your home’s heating and cooling system can help ensure these things won’t dry and crack – protecting your expensive possessions and saving you money in the long run.
- Indoor Air Quality – Humidifiers improve indoor air quality by dampening the amount of dust present in the air.
Call EMG Mechanical today to see how we are able to give our clients the most advanced, whole-house air filtration system on the market- ensuring you clean, comfortable air all year long.
We can install, repair, or maintain all makes and models of residential whole-home humidifier units.